Gifted & Talented Program » Contiuum of Services

Contiuum of Services

Continuum of Services offered to Gifted and Talented Students

The Bloomingdale School District is committed to providing an educational program in which students may grow to become productive and contributing members of society. To encourage optimum achievement, the schools’ learning environment must provide challenging learning opportunities matched to the needs and talents of students with high potential.

The Gifted and Talented Program strives to provide a challenging curriculum while enhancing a student's self-efficacy. Student-centered program goals, educational needs, and a collaborative planning process determine program content. The program is designed to provide an array of learning opportunities that helps students realize their potential, instills a desire to develop their talents and abilities, and encourages scholastic rigor.

Primary Program (Kindergarten – 2nd Grade)

During kindergarten, first ands second grade, students participate in a in-class program once a week for 30 minutes. Utilizing the focus period, students identified as eligible for the Gifted & Talented Program are provided high level of instruction within the classroom. Gifted specialists provide a curriculum that focuses on communication, research skills, thinking skills and problem solving, creative expression, and affective education.

Elementary Program (Grades 3 –4)

Students in grades three and four participate in a "pull out" program one time per week for third minutes. Gifted specialists provide a curriculum that focuses on communication, research skills, thinking skills and problem solving, creative expression, and affective education.Students may also participate in an optional after-school clubs and activities for gifted/advanced learners. 

Middle School Program (Grades 5-8)

Students in grades five to eight participate in a “pull out” program one time per week for third minutes. Students are provided a curriculum rich in the areas of communication, research skills, thinking skills and problem solving, creative expression, and affective education. Students may also participate in an optional after-school clubs and activities for gifted/advanced learners.